Admissions Forms
This page provides a comprehensive list of forms and requests relevant to students at Blinn College, including campus change requests, change of major forms, and credit submissions for advanced placement programs. It also includes forms for various student services, such as financial aid, course drops, and housing applications, along with links to access each form online. Key information about policies and requirements for each request is also detailed, guiding students through necessary procedures.
Use this form to submit a campus change or a campus override request.
A Change of Major form must be initiated by a Blinn College advisor. Please visit the Advising web site at
Use this form to submit your College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP) scores.
Access Credit by Examination (AP) Form
Use this form to submit your College Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma is an international program of courses and exams offered at the high school level. In keeping with Senate Bill 111 passed in 2005, Blinn College will grant credit (CR) for IB exams with certain required scores.
Texas institutions of higher education must award 24 hours of course-specific college credit in subject appropriate areas of all IB exam scores of 4 or above as long as the incoming freshmen have earned an IB diploma. However, course credit does not have to be awarded on any IB exams where the score received is a 3 or less. This may mean that such students will not receive 24 hours of college credit, even if they have an IB diploma.
Students must have an official IB transcript sent to Blinn College. All IB students must show proof of meeting the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements prior to their enrollment at Blinn.
Use this form to request that you be dropped from one or more classes, but you cannot drop yourself because you have a hold.
Use this form to request an override when you have taken a course in the first 8-week term and need to retake it in the second 8-week term. For example, if you enrolled in MATH 1314 in the first 8-week term and dropped it, you would need to use this form to request an override, so you can take it in the second 8-week term.
- FERPA Release
- Request to Revoke FERPA Release
If you have allowed an individual (proxy) to have access to your educational records, you may use this form to remove that individual’s access.
Use this form to request that you be dropped from one or more classes due to good cause.
Good cause shall be determined in the Admissions and Records Office and will be based on the student choosing one of the aligned responses on the Good Faith Course Drop or Withdrawal from School drop form that include: (1) Severe illness (medical drop); (2) Care for a sick, injured, or needy person; (3) Death of a close relative; (4) Military Duty (to include a family member); (5) Change in work schedule; or (6) Other reason. This information may also be found in more detail within Board Policy ECC (LOCAL) and in the Blinn Catalog Online.
Use this form to request that Blinn College send your Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Record to a person, college, or business.
Access Request to Release Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Record Form
Use this form to request an update to your Social Security Number.
Use this form to request a change to your student data, including your Name, Address, Phone, Email, or Emergency Contact.
You must be registered for classes before submitting this form.
The Texas Success Initiative was enacted by Texas legislators for all public state institutions of higher education to follow. The TSI Assessment (TSIA), which may be required of all first-time entering students, will determine students’ readiness for college-level coursework in reading, writing, and mathematics. Students who do not meet the minimum passing standards will be required to follow a developmental education program designed to help them achieve college-level readiness. Results from this assessment will be used for course placement only and not as a condition of admission to the college. There is a fee charged for this assessment and prior registration may be required. A Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) is required prior to paying for and taking the assessment.
Use the form below to upload at least one set of test scores (SAT, ACT, TSIA, GED, HiSET, or STAAR EOC). If multiple TSIA/TSIA2 tests were taken, all score reports must be submitted.
For all information regarding the Texas Success Initiative (TSI), please visit the TSI assessment page.
- Academic Fresh Start
- Audit Application
- Excessive Hours Request
- Online Student Waiver Request for Bacterial Meningitis Exemption
- Paired Section Drop Request (ENGL or MATH)
- Prerequisite Override Request
- Remove Residency Unknown Hold Form
- Request to Withhold Directory Information
- Request to Revoke the Withhold Directory Information Form
- Residency Reclassification
- Transfer Equivalency
You will need to create an account on the next screen. You cannot use your Blinn account to log in and fill out this form.